Primary and Secondary Education in Brazil

A 12-year system of education with children starting school at age 6.

- Elementary education which is 5 years in duration, and runs from grade one through five (ages 6-10).
- Middle School Education is 4 years (ages 11-14) Grades 6-9
- Students are awarded the certificate of completion of elementary education (certificado de conclusão do ensino fundamental) on completion of Grade 9. There are no final graduation examinations.
- Upper Secondary Education (Ensino Medio) is 3 years (ages 15-17) Grades 10-12.
- Upon completion of secondary school, students are awarded the Certificado de Conclusão do Ensino Médio, which gives access to higher education. This credential is equivalent to U.S. high school graduation.

Most schools follow the academic year that begins in February and runs through November lasting for 38 weeks. It consists of two semesters of instruction. Schools are in operation five days a week (Monday through Friday), 198 days a year. There are a total of twelve years of education preceding post-secondary education – grades 10 and 11 (equivalent to 11 and 12 in U.S.). The curriculum guidelines outline a 35-hour school week at the Bachillerato level.

The National Education Council (Conselho Nacional de Educação), an agency of the Ministry of Education (MOE) is responsibble for implementing education policy and regulations. Elementary and secondary school education is largely the responsibility of state governments while early childhood education is the responsibility of local governments.

Grade conversion scale for Brazil:

Grade Scale
U.S. Grade Equivalence
0.0-4.9 F


  1. Certificado do Conclusão do Ensino Fundamental
  2. Certificado de Conclusão do Ensino Médio (Certificate of Completion of Secondary Education)