Primary and Secondary Education in Iran

A 11-year system of education with a Pre-University year is in effect till 2019, with children starting school at age 6.

- Elementary Education (Dabestan) is 5 years (ages 6-10) Grades 1-5. It is free and compulsory.
- Lower Secondary Education (dawra’i-rahnama’ii tahsili) is 3 years (ages 11-13) Grades 6-8
- Upper Secondary Education (Dabirestan) is 3 years (ages 14-16) Grades 9-11
- Pre-University Course is the fourth year of high school (ages 17-18) Grade 12

Academic year begins in September and runs through June. It consists of two semesters of instruction. Students attend classes Saturday through Thursday. To complete any branch of the 3-year upper secondary school, students must complete 100 units. They should complete a minimum 24 units during the pre-university year. Each unit is equivalent to 30 hours of study.

The Ministry of Education is responsible for implementing education policy and regulations.

Grade conversion scale for Iran:

(Common System)

Grade Scale
U.S. Grade Equivalence
10-11 D

* A lower grade may be considered a pass at some institutions.


  1. Diplom-Metevaseth (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)
  2. Pre-university Certificate (Pishdaneshgahi)