Primary and Secondary Education in Russia

Currently a 11-year system of general education is in effect, with children starting school at age 7.

- Primary Education is 4 years (ages 7-10) Grades 1-4
- Basic General Education is 5 years (ages 11-15) Grades 5-9
- Secondary (complete) General Education is 2 years (ages 16-17) Grades 10-11

School year starts on September 1 and runs through June. General education curricula normally stipulate 34 weeks of study spread over 2 semesters per year with 38 hours of study per week in Secondary School. Unified State Examinations in end May - beginning of June complete school studies. Russian is the official language of instruction/examination(s). Secondary general education with 11 years of formal schooling is compulsory since September 1, 2007.

The Ministry of Education and Science is responsible for implementing state education policy and regulations.

Grade conversion scale for Russia:

Grade Scale
Grade Description
U.S. Grade Equivalence
Отлично / Otlichno (Excellent)
Хорошо / Khorosho (Good)
Удовлетворительно / Udovletvoritel'no (Satisfactory)
Зачет / Zachet* (Pass)
Неудовлетворительно / Neudovletvoritel'no

* Zachet generally represents a passing grade in a series of courses in the same subject. The grade of excellent, good or satisfactory given for the last course in the series then retroactively applies to all the previous Zachet grades in that series.


  1. Аттестат об основном общем образовании / Attestat ob osnovnom obschem obrazovanii (Certificate of Basic General Education)
  2. Аттестат о среднем (полном) общем образовании / Attestat o srednem (polnom) obschem obrazovanii (Certificate of [Complete] General Secondary Education)
  3. Диплом о начальном Профессиональном Образовании / Diplom o nachal'nom Professional'nom obrazovanii (Diploma of Secondary Vocational Education)
  4. Диплом о среднем профессиональном образовании / Diplom o srednem professional'nom Obrazovanii (Diploma of Occupational Higher Education)