Primary and Secondary Education in Switzerland

Currently a 12-year system of general education is in effect, with children starting primary school at age 6.

- Primary Education is 4-6 years (ages 6-12) Grades 1-6.
- Lower Secondary Education is 3-4 years (ages 12-15) Grades 7-9.
- Upper Secondary Education/Vocational Education. After completing lower secondary education, students can choose from a Vocational Education and Training (VET), Baccalaureate, or Upper Secondary Specialized school.

Baccalaureate schools usually last from 3 to 6 years, depending on the canton. Culminates in the baccalaureate certificate (Matura / Maturité) which is required for university entrance.
Upper secondary specialized schools provide general education alongside preparation for professional education and training (PET) in specific occupations like healthcare and social work. Culminates in the upper-secondary specialized school certificate required for admission to colleges and universities of applied sciences.
Vocational schools allow students to gain technical and practical knowledge through apprenticeships. VET school programs usually last from 2 to 4 years culminating in a federal VET diploma or a federal VET certificate.

Academic year begins towards the end of August and ends in the beginning of July the following year. Education is conducted in German, French and Italian, depending on the cantons.

The State Secretariat for Education, Research, and Innovation (SERI) is the federal body that oversees education in Switzerland. However, each of the 26 cantons has its own education department

Grade conversion scale for Switzerland :

Grade Scale
Grade Description
U.S. Grade Equivalence
ausgezeichnet, sehr gut, trés bien
gut, bien
genügend, mittelmässig, suffisant
ungenügend, insuffisant
schlect, mauvais


  1. Baccalaureate Certificate (Matura / Maturité)
  2. Upper-Secondary Specialized School Certificate
  3. Federal VET Diploma or a Federal VET Certificate