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Foreign High School Diploma and
Transcript Evaluation

Credential Evaluation and Translation Service

Foreign High School Diploma Evaluation Report

  • * States the U.S. equivalence of your Foreign High School transcripts and Diplomas submitted for evaluation
  • * Gives the years of attendance and location of the institution
  • * Provides a brief description of the program which includes the admission requirements and normative duration of the program
  • * Provides a short profile of the institution and its accreditation status

Foreign High School Transcript Evaluation Report

  • * States the U.S. equivalence of your Foreign High School transcripts and Diplomas submitted for evaluation
  • * Gives the years of attendance and location of the institution
  • * Provides accreditation status of the High School
  • * Provides a list of subjects studied
  • * Credit hours are calculated in Carnegie Units
  • * Converts grades into US grades
  • * Calculates a US grade point average (GPA)

Foreign High School Diploma and Transcript Evaluation and Translations

Foreign High School Diplomas and Transcripts are not accepted by USCIS, U.S. Universities or U.S. Employers unless they are translated into English and evaluated in terms of U.S. education.

What is a Foreign High School Diploma and Transcript Evaluation?

For those unaware, a credential evaluation formally assesses your foreign High School Diploma and Transcript to determine the closest comparable U.S. equivalent. Universities, colleges, schools, and employers require a thorough evaluation of foreign diplomas and transcripts to rightly place interested individuals schooled abroad. Students seeking university enrolment or professionals seeking employment miss opportunities as their diplomas and transcripts haven’t been evaluated correctly. Hence, it is imperative for you to choose the right evaluation agency to evaluate your foreign high school diploma and transcripts. We at Evaluation World currently support High School Diplomas and transcripts from over 150 countries.

Certified High School Diploma Translation

Foreign language documents require translation into English for U.S. immigration, university enrolment, and employment. A translation accompanied by a certificate of translation accuracy is imperative. Our translation services are designed to meet the specific requirements of the USCIS, U.S. universities, and Employers. Currently, we support over 70 languages and use only human translators. All our translators are bound by corporate non-disclosure agreements to ensure the utmost confidentiality of your documents.

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